caustic soda

[ˈkɔ:stɪk ˈsəudə]
  • 释义
  • 苛性钠;火碱;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    At present, caustic soda childbirth has baffle law, mercury law and ionic membrane law.

    目前, 烧碱生产有隔膜法 、 水银法和离子膜法.

  • 2、

    Technology characteristics of HOLLIAS sytem and application status in evaporation of caustic soda were introduced.


  • 3、

    ZnKDCC was produced by cyanuric acid, caustic soda, chlorine gas, zinc ion and potassium ion.

    采用氰尿酸 、 烧碱 、 氯气 、 锌离子、钾离子制取四(二氯异氰尿酸)锌钾.

  • 4、

    Sulphur, Caustic Soda, Coal, Mineral Water, Honey, Baby Diapers Sulphur.

    采购产品硫磺, 腐蚀剂苏打, 煤, 矿物水, 蜂蜜, 婴儿尿布.

  • 5、

    Causes and harms of the stray current corrosion in caustic soda production were introduced.


  • 6、

    The capacity of evaporation equipments above 30 % and steam consumption of caustic soda dropped %.


  • 7、

    The cost of treating salt settling in finished caustic soda tank decreased obviously after improvement.


  • 8、

    Caustic soda is a special valve designed to use this feature.


  • 9、

    The caustic soda recycle and utilization were investigated in the present work.


  • 10、

    Soda pulp: Pulp produce from hardwood chips cooked in caustic soda. See Sulphate pulp.

    苏打浆: 把硬木片放入苛性钠内蒸煮成的浆. 参阅硫酸盐浆.

  • 11、

    Wool will dissolve in caustic soda solutions that would have little effect on cotton.


  • 12、

    Corrosively medium for chemical production such as sodium hydrate, caustic soda, sulfuric acidnitric acid, acetic acidacid.

    化工生产品中的腐蚀性物料,如:烧碱、纯碱 、 浓稀硫酸、碳酸 、 醋酸等.

  • 13、

    Comprehensive harness status on chlorine water of caustic soda workshop was introduced.


  • 14、

    Recommend reasons: the chemical industry leader, producing PVC, caustic soda, calcium carbide and other products.

    推荐理由: 化工行业龙头, 生产PVC 、 烧碱 、 电石等产品.

  • 15、

    The innovation measures on evaporation process of diaphragm caustic soda were introduced.


  • 16、

    Caustic soda, ie sodium hydroxide, used in the manufacture of soap.

    苛性苏打(俗称烧, 用于制皂业).

  • 17、

    The application of Yokogawa distributing CS 3000 controlling system in ionic membrane caustic soda production was introduced.


  • 18、

    Production of caustic soda in ion exchange membrane method Was reviewed.


  • 19、

    The common method of removing acid gases are application of caustic soda solution or caustic pellets.


  • 20、

    Burned by caustic soda. Washing with 2 % acetic acid and send to hospital at once.

